
Chess Club:

Meets every Thursday morning in room 412 @ 8:00 AM from October to May 2014. This club is hosted by Ms. Simone Ryals. Students and parents will be notified by any schedule changes.

Drama Club:

Meets every Tuesday morning in room 412 @ 8:00 AM from October to May 2014. This club is hosted by Ms. Simone Ryals. Students and parents will be notified by any schedule changes.

Garden Club:

Meets after school on the following Tuesdays (weather permitting)  3:00 ~ 5:00 PM.
5th grade meets: October 1, November 12, January 7, February 4,  March 4, April 1, April 29.
4th grade meets: October 15, November 19, January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15, April 29.
This club is hosted by Mrs. Jan Caivano. Sign up to be a volunteer. We are always looking for muscle and donations.

Recorder Club:


Signing Chorus:



Meets before school very Tuesday & Thursday from October to May 2014.This club is hosted by Mrs. Ana Rodriguez & Mrs. Candy Boyce. Parents will be notified of any schedule changes.

Yearbook Club:

Meets every other Thursday morning in room 417 @ 8:00 AM from October to March 2014. This club is hosted by Coach Bogeler, Ms. Dias & Ms. Laighold. Students and parents will be notified of any schedule changes.