
Sunday, October 6, 2013


Policies 5000, 5004.1 and 3320 have been scheduled for a Public Rule Development Meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2013 in the Board Room of the Kathleen C. Wright Administrative Center at 5:30 pm.  District Advisory groups and the public are invited to attend and provide input on these policies.  Public input received from this meeting will be provided to the School Board for consideration in the development of the policy.  Copies of the attached policies may be obtained, free of charge, from our Public Relations & Governmental Affairs Department by calling 754 321-2300.

Policies 5000 & 5004.1

Purpose and Effect: To amend the policies to align with the School Board organizational chart, school choice (Nova, Magnet, and reassignments) application timelines, the Community School Boundary Process timeline, and to provide clarification on the school choice application process.

Subject Area to be Addressed: In accordance with Section 120.54(7), Florida Statutes, the School Board of Broward County has initiated the process for revising School Board Policies 5000 and 5004.1.  School Board Policy 5000 guides the District in planning of educational facilities, designation of schools, school attendance zone boundaries, development of positive alternatives to accommodate growth, the process for keeping schools open, and/or the consolidation or re-purposing of schools.  Policy 5004.1 establishes school choice (Magnet Schools, NOVA, Opportunity Scholarship Program, reassignments, College Academy at Broward College, and Broward Virtual Schools) in the District.  Please come and be a part of this important process of revising School Board Policy.

Policy 3320

Purpose and Effect:  To amend the policy to allow flexibility in procuring purchases.

Subject Area to be Addressed: The Recommended Revisions to the Policy are as follows: (1) allow flexibility to purchase from vendors offering the lowest price; (2) increase the threshold to reduce number of purchases coming to the School Board; and (3) lowered the Superintendent’s authority to $500,000 even during emergency situations.

Please forward this email to persons that may have been omitted on your committee.

The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color disability, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex coir sexual orientation.  Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call the Executive Director, Benefits & EEO Compliance at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754 321-2158.  

Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, 9ADAAA) may call Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) at 754 321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754 321-2158.