
Sunday, October 28, 2012


Tamarac Elementary School
“The Learning Raceway” – Family Curriculum Night
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Tamarac Elementary is proud to present our annual Family Curriculum Night and dinner on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. 

“The Learning Raceway” is a fun and exciting evening in which Tamarac Elementary families come together to celebrate learning at all grade levels.  Every family is invited to attend.  This event is a Title 1 Public Meeting.

This family curriculum night will offer several sessions to parents and their children on a variety of topics:
·      Presentations and interactive sessions in a variety of subject areas
·      Information about what parents can do to assist their children academically

A delicious dinner will be provided free of charge to Tamarac Elementary School students and their immediate families.  In addition, parents will be able to receive their child’s first quarter report card at the conclusion of the event.

To assist us in planning for the event, please complete the bottom portion and return the form to school with your eldest child’s by Wednesday, October 31, 2012 to reserve your seat for the academic sessions and dinner.  Only one form per family needs to be returned.  An event schedule and dinner reservation will be provided after you have registered.

************************************Tear Off and Return****************************************
Student(s) Names:
1. _________________________________ Teacher_________________
2._________________________________ Teacher_________________
3._________________________________ Teacher_________________
4._________________________________ Teacher_________________
Parent Name: ___________________________# of Dinner Reservations: ____
Please check if you or a family member requires a sign language interpreter.____
Please check if you or a family member requires an English translator. _________
Spanish ____ Creole____ Portuguese ______