
Sunday, December 11, 2011

SAF Meeting Date Rescheduled

SAF Members, Community, Parents, Administration, 

Please be informed that the Tamarac Elementary School Advisory Forum (SAF) meeting originally set for this week Tuesday, December 13th at Tamarac Media Center following this month’s SAC meeting, has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts.

A Steering Committee meeting with the SAF Board members will be held on Monday, December 12, 2011 at 6PM ET – Tamarac Elementary School Cafeteria to prepare for the upcoming January SAF meetings and consolidate the parent input received to date.  This will be a non-voting meeting, parents who wish to provide additional feedback are welcome to join us and or send feedback to the e-mail account.

Tamarac Elementary SAF will reconvene on Monday, January 3rd at Tamarac Media Center. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

 Tamarac Elementary SAF